Many wondrous opportunities await with Black Dog Press, a leading art book publisher dedicated to showcasing the finest works of contemporary artists. From concept development to global distribution, we offer a full spectrum of services in publishing, editing, design, and marketing. Collaborate closely with our team and watch your vision come to life in beautifully crafted illustrated books. With an expansive distribution network spanning the UK, US, and Canada, your masterpiece will grace the shelves of retailers, galleries, museums, and academic institutions worldwide. For a journey into fine art publishing, look no further than Black Dog Press.

Comprehensive Publishing Services

Concept Development and Project Management

Before commencing the journey of publishing your art book, project development is key. At Black Dog Press, we take pride in overseeing every aspect of the publication process, from concept development to project management. We ensure that your vision is brought to life, working closely with you every step of the way.

Editing, Proofreading, and Design

Project editing is a crucial stage in the production of any publication. Our team of experienced editors and designers meticulously edit, proofread, and craft the visual aesthetics of your art book to perfection. We understand the importance of striking the right balance between text and imagery, ensuring that your content is both engaging and visually stunning.

A well-edited and beautifully designed art book can elevate your work, attracting a wider audience and establishing your presence in the art world. Trust Black Dog Press to bring your artistic vision to life through our expert editing, proofreading, and design services.

Global Distribution and Marketing


Distribution Network and Partnerships

Assuming you are seeking a reputable partner for your next art book project, Black Dog Press offers a comprehensive range of services to ensure your publication reaches a global audience. On top of handling concept development, project management, editing, and design, we also take charge of the distribution and marketing strategy for each title we publish.

Our distribution network encompasses the UK, US, and Canada, where we have established strong partnerships with retailers, galleries, libraries, and universities. Working closely with our partners, we actively promote each publication to ensure maximum visibility in both physical stores and online platforms.

For more information on how Black Dog Press can help bring your artistic visions to life and offer them a shining spotlight in the art book publishing world, feel free to contact us at

Collaboration and Partnership

 Working Closely with Publishing Partners

Some of the key aspects of Black Dog Press' publishing services involve working closely with our partners throughout the entire process. Any project undertaken by us includes concept development, project management, editing, proofreading, design, typesetting, artworking, and print management. We ensure that our partners are involved every step of the way, collaborating to bring their vision to life.

Putting Partners at the Centre of Everything

To establish a successful partnership, we put our publishing partners at the heart of everything we do. This means that we prioritise their goals, needs, and creative input. Through a deep understanding of their vision and aspirations, we work together to create outstanding publications that resonate with audiences worldwide.

Everything we do is geared towards assisting artists, authors, and creatives in bringing their projects to fruition. Our dedicated team at Black Dog Press values the unique perspectives and talents of our partners, fostering a collaborative environment that leads to innovative and impactful publications.

Concept Development and Project Management

From Idea to Reality

Project your creative vision into reality with Black Dog Press. Your idea for a stunning art book can come to life with our expert concept development and project management services. From the initial spark of inspiration to the final printed product, we will guide you every step of the way.

Managing Projects from Start to Finish

One of the key aspects of collaborating with Black Dog Press is our commitment to managing projects from start to finish. We ensure that every detail is meticulously handled, from editing and proofreading to design and typesetting. Our experienced team will provide you with the support and guidance needed to bring your project to fruition.

From concept development to global distribution, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality publications that showcase the best in contemporary art. Trust Black Dog Press to bring your artistic vision to the world stage.

Editing and Proofreading

Ensuring Error-Free Content

Not only does Black Dog Press focus on the visual aspect of publications, but we also place a high emphasis on ensuring error-free content. A vital part of our publishing services includes meticulous editing and thorough proofreading to guarantee the highest quality of each publication.

Refining the Writing and Message

Refining the writing and message of a book is crucial for effectively conveying the artist's vision. Our experienced team works closely with our publishing partners to ensure that the text is polished and perfectly complements the visuals. From shaping the narrative to fine-tuning the language, we strive to enhance the overall reading experience.

The writing in an art book plays a significant role in creating a cohesive and engaging publication. Our team of editors collaborates with authors and artists to refine the content, ensuring clarity and coherence throughout. Each word is carefully chosen to capture the essence of the artwork and convey the artist's intended message.

Design and Typesetting

For art book publishers like Black Dog Press, the design and typesetting of a publication play a crucial role in captivating the reader and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the book. Here are some key aspects of our design and typesetting services:

Visual Storytelling and Layout

Visual storytelling and layout are vital components in creating an engaging and visually compelling art book. Our team at Black Dog Press excels in designing layouts that complement the artwork and effectively convey the artist's vision. By carefully curating the placement of images and text, we ensure a seamless reading experience that draws readers into the narrative.

Typography and Font Selection

One of the most important aspects of typesetting is typography and font selection. The choice of fonts can significantly impact the readability and visual appeal of a publication. At Black Dog Press, we work closely with our partners to select fonts that complement the overall design aesthetic and enhance the artistic content of the book.

Knowing the importance of visually engaging design and carefully selected typography, Black Dog Press pays meticulous attention to detail in every aspect of the design and typesetting process, ensuring that each publication is visually striking and artistically compelling.

Artworking and Print Management

Bringing the Design to Life

Keep the essence of your artistic vision intact with Black Dog Press's meticulous artworking and print management services. We understand the importance of translating your creativity seamlessly onto the pages of your publication. With our expert team handling design, typesetting, and artworking, we ensure every detail is perfect.

Managing the Printing Process

Printing your art book is a crucial step in the publishing journey. Black Dog Press takes pride in managing the printing process with the utmost care and attention to detail. With our extensive experience and industry connections, we guarantee high-quality printing that truly showcases your artwork. For instance, we work closely with our print partners to ensure the final product meets the highest standards, from paper selection to colour accuracy.

Global Trade Distribution

Reaching Retailers, Galleries, and Museums

To ensure visibility and accessibility in the market, Black Dog Press diligently works with a global sales team to promote our publications to a wide range of retailers, galleries, museums, libraries and universities. Our distribution network covers the UK, US, and Canada, targeting key establishments that cater to art enthusiasts and scholars alike.

Stocking Titles in Brick-and-Mortar Stores and Online

An imperative aspect of our publishing process is reaching both physical and online outlets to make our titles readily available to a wider audience. Black Dog Press not only ensures that our books are stocked in brick-and-mortar stores, but also online platforms to cater to the evolving preferences of readers and buyers.

Another vital component of our distribution strategy is the global visibility of our titles across various mediums, ensuring that our publications gain traction and recognition in the competitive art book market.

Marketing Campaigns

Social Media Promotion and Visibility

All our publications at Black Dog Press benefit from comprehensive marketing campaigns, spreading across various social media platforms to ensure the widest visibility among our global audience. We understand the power of social media in today's digital world and utilise it effectively to promote and showcase our titles to a broad range of potential readers and buyers.

The Publishing Process

From Manuscript to Published Book

Many artists and writers dream of seeing their work in print, but the journey from manuscript to published book can be long and daunting. At Black Dog Press, we take the stress out of the publishing process by offering comprehensive services from concept development to global distribution. Our team of experts handles everything from editing and proofreading to design and typesetting, ensuring that your book is of the highest quality.

With our global distribution network covering the UK, US, and Canada, we target retailers, galleries, libraries, and universities to stock and promote your title. Through social media campaigns, reviews, and press exposure, we guarantee that your book will gain the visibility it deserves in the competitive art book market.

The Role of Black Dog Press in the Process

Putting our publishing partners at the centre of everything we do, Black Dog Press works closely with you every step of the way. We handle concept development, project management, editing, design, and more, ensuring that your vision is fully realised in the final publication.

For instance, we provide full project management services, guiding your book from inception to delivery to the global trade. Our dedicated sales team actively promotes your book to retailers, galleries, libraries, and universities, both in physical stores and online. With Black Dog Press by your side, your art book will reach a wide audience and make a lasting impact in the art world.

Benefits of Partnering with Black Dog Press

Increased Visibility and Reach

Unlike other art book publishers, Black Dog Press offers comprehensive publishing services that not only include concept development and project management but also global distribution and marketing. With our network covering the UK, US, and Canada, we target retailers, galleries, libraries, and universities to ensure that your publication reaches a wide audience. Through social media, reviews, and press exposure, we guarantee that your book gets the visibility it deserves.

Expertise and Guidance Throughout the Process

On top of handling editing, proofreading, design, and typesetting, Black Dog Press also provides expert artworking and print management services. We collaborate closely with our publishing partners every step of the way to ensure that their vision is brought to life. Our global sales team actively promotes your book to key outlets, both online and in brick-and-mortar stores, giving it the exposure needed to succeed in the competitive art book market.

Understanding the importance of a well-crafted publication, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch expertise and guidance to our partners, making the publishing process seamless and successful.

Submitting Your Work

Preparing Your Manuscript for Submission

Black Dog Press is thrilled to offer its comprehensive publishing services to bring your art book to life. Before submitting your work, it is vital to ensure that your manuscript is polished and ready for review. Our team will provide editing, proofreading, design, typesetting, artworking, and print management services to enhance the quality of your publication.

What to Expect from the Submission Process

When submitting your manuscript to Black Dog Press, you can expect a seamless and collaborative process. Our dedicated team will work closely with you every step of the way, from concept development to global distribution. With our extensive distribution network in the UK, US, and Canada, we target a range of outlets, including retailers, galleries, libraries, and universities, to ensure maximum visibility for your publication.

Submission of your work to Black Dog Press opens up a world of possibilities, including global exposure, marketing campaigns, and expert handling of the publication process. Trust us to bring your artistic vision to life and reach a wide audience of art enthusiasts worldwide.

Contact and Inquiry

Getting in Touch with Black Dog Press

After discovering the exceptional services offered by Black Dog Press in publishing art books, you may be eager to get in touch and explore the possibility of collaborating on a project. One way to contact Black Dog Press is by sending an email to Our dedicated team will be more than happy to assist you with any inquiries or requests you may have.

Exploring Publishing Opportunities

Touch base with Black Dog Press to investigate the exciting publishing opportunities we offer to artist authors and creators. One of the unique advantages of working with Black Dog Press is the comprehensive approach we take in handling concept development, project management, editing, design, and distribution. If you are an emerging artist looking to expand your reach and showcase your work, Black Dog Press could be the perfect partner for you.

Black Dog Press ensures that each publication receives global distribution and marketing, targeting retailers, galleries, libraries, and universities in the UK, US, and Canada. Our services go beyond just printing and publishing; we actively promote titles through social media, reviews, and press exposure to ensure maximum visibility and recognition.

Final Words

With this in mind, Black Dog Press stands as a beacon of creativity and professionalism in the world of art book publishing. Our comprehensive services, from concept development to global distribution and marketing, ensure that your publication receives the attention it deserves. Partnering with Black Dog Press means putting your project at the centre of everything we do, with our dedicated team working closely with you every step of the way.

Whether you are an established artist or an emerging talent, our publishing house is here to bring your vision to life. With a focus on contemporary art, visual culture, and fine art, we are committed to producing beautifully illustrated books that showcase the work of artists from around the world. Submit your project to Black Dog Press today and let us help you share your art with a global audience.


Q: What services does Black Dog Press offer?

A: Black Dog Press offers comprehensive publishing services including concept development, project management, editing, proofreading, design, typesetting, artworking, and print management.

Q: What is the focus of Black Dog Press's distribution network?

A: Black Dog Press focuses on global distribution targeting retailers, galleries, libraries, and universities in the UK, US, and Canada.

Q: How does Black Dog Press ensure visibility for its publications?

A: Black Dog Press ensures visibility through social media, and press exposure for each publication.

Q: How does Black Dog Press work with its publishing partners?

A: Black Dog Press puts its publishing partners at the centre of everything we do, working closely with them every step of the way from concept development to global distribution.

Q: Where are Black Dog Press's distribution houses located?

A: Black Dog Press's distribution houses are located in the UK, US, and Canada where we actively promote titles to retailers, galleries/museums, libraries, and universities.

Q: What marketing campaigns does Black Dog Press produce for its titles?

A: Black Dog Press produces marketing campaigns to ensure the widest visibility for our titles across social media, and press exposure.

Q: How can individuals explore publishing with Black Dog Press?

A: To explore publishing with Black Dog Press, individuals can contact for more information.